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Slime Bag™ Testimonials
Back in the middle of July, I was searching through the World Wide Web looking for something that would help with my pool problem. The problem I was having with my 24 foot diameter pool, was fine sediment dust that I could never vacuum up. Every time I vacuumed, the dust would go back into the solution, I found your web site, looked over the material, and after my wife made me talk to our local pool supplier here in Kenosha, Wisconsin, I Ordered the complete Slime Bag™ set with the connectors. I was surprised that you called me the day after I ordered it and further explained your product. I received the Slime Bags™ two days after your call, installed the Backwash/DE Slime Bag™ and began to vacuum the pool. After 36 hours of vacuuming and polishing the water, my pool was crystal clear, the clearest the water had ever been. I've been using the Baquacil products for years, and when I had this problem, and before the use of the Slime Bags™, I spent approximately $100 in chemicals trying to clean the water. Their final suggestion was to vacuum and dump the water and not return it to the pool. That would have been another waste of money.
My local pool supplier had said when I discussed your product with them, that after I used it to let them know how it worked. Well I bragged about how fast your product worked and when I called you back after using your product, I did supply you with their number.
I have talked about your product to other friends pools and they were impressed.
Since that time my original cartridge filter has given up the ghost and I switched to a sand filter. I like the fact that when I backwash the filter, there is no water loss since everything is returned to the pool.
When my Backwash/DE Slime Bag™ back is no longer usable, I will be buying more.
Thank you for a GREAT product.
David A. Schueller Sr.
5319 73rd Street
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142
On behalf of the Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort, I would like to commend your company on the invention of the Slime Bag™ Filter. For over 15 months we have used the Vacuums Slime Bag™ to remove sand from our 5 pools and spas. With its 1 micron filtration level, our pool maintenance is greatly reduced.
I especially wish to thank you for the suggestion and prompt delivery of the Super Slime Bag™ filter and housing. It catches the dirt, sand and small particles our current system just can't. It's a great idea! Our pool is much cleaner and our filter washing time is greatly reduced. Also, I don't have to worry about sand breakthrough; it can't get past the Super Slime Bag™.
I will let other hotel engineers know of your Slime Bag™ and how successful it has been here at the SunSpree Resort. Thank you again for making my pool maintenance a joy rather than a chore.
Bobby L. Ferguson
Chief Engineer
Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort
1706 North Lumina Ave.
Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480-0599
(910) 256-2231
Thank you for recommending the Slime Bag™ for our in indoor heated swimming pool. Since we installed the system, our pool has been considerably cleaner and the water has more sparkle.
We've received many positive comments from our guests regarding our pool and that makes it worth while.
Thanks again,
Fred Cade
Best Western Cairn Croft Hotel
6400 Lundy's Lane
Niagara Falls, Ontario, L2G1T6
(905) 356-1161
Thanks so much for your input into solving our pool clarity problem. The Slime Bag™ filter was the answer! Ever since its installation, our pool has been crystal clear. We have cut our pool maintenance time just about in half and guest satisfaction is at 100%. Once again, thanks a million and I am looking forward to dealing with you in the future.
David M. Gaal
Chief Engineer
Hampton Inn, Buffalo/Amherst
10 Flint Rd.
Amherst, NY 14226
(716) 689-4414
Having been given the opportunity to try the new pool filtration system Slime Bag™, I found the results to be outstanding.
In the past I was forever adding chemicals, vacuuming the pool, and backwashing the filter. This process was time consuming, water-wasting and literally throwing money down the drain. Regardless of the effort involved, water quality was still only average, with a silt buildup always obvious at the bottom of the pool.
Once using the Slime Bag™ however, the water clarity improved dramatically almost overnight, with the silt buildup noticeably diminished. Within a short timeframe to my amazement, with the aid of the Slime Bag™, all evidence of debris missed by the sand filtration was no longer present, and hence for the first time in more than 2 years, had removed the omnipresent cloudiness. In the past maintenance and upkeep were labour intense; however with the installation of the Slime Bag™, the high standard of water clarity is now achievable with much less physical effort. The result is a significant reduction in both chemical usage and time previously spent sweeping, vacuuming and water testing.
I also found chlorination times were reduced (hence prolonging the life of the filtration equipment); with the added bonus of the process being environmentally friendly by way of saving electricity and water consumption being decreased.
Overall, I am confident in recommending the Slime Bag™ to pool owners (both domestic and commercial) who are serious about maintaining high standards of water quality with the minimum of worry and expense.
Aaron Jones
Morningside Qld
As you know I purchased two Vacuum/X-tra Polishing bags back in June on this year because I was in need of a better filter media to remove the fine algae that invades my pool every year when it is opened for the season. I just wanted to let you know that I am very impressed with the Slime Bag's™ performance. The bags were used together to vacuum out the pool which was completely green with algae.
Due to the large amount of algae in the pool, the Slime Bag™ would fill up after about 15 minutes of vacuuming. Upon reaching saturation I would halt the vacuum and change out the other bag that had been cleaned with my electric pressure washer. This process continued for a little over an hour, which resulted in each bag being pressure washed about 10 times.
As I said before, I am impressed with the Slime Bag™ for the filtering ability and it's durability. After witnessing the power of the Slime Bag™, I have purchased a Slime Bag™ for home water filtration because the paper filters that I currently use miss a lot of the very fine iron sediment dissolved in the well water.
The amount of iron the cartridge filter missed became evident when I used a Slime Bag™ to filter the water I used to fill my hot tub. I was shocked to see how much "red water" flowed from the bag during cleaning.
In closing, I would like to say that the Slime Bag™ saved me time, water and money for throw away paper filters.
Jay Prucnal
Greensboro, NC
As I get ready to open my 18' x 36' in ground pool for the season, I thought I would drop you a note to let you know how much I like my Slime Bags.
Before opening my pool, I would traditionally set up our cover pump and send all the winter water, from on top of the cover, out to the street. Now, I attach a Slime Bag Filler Bag to the end of my sump pump hose and put the hose into my pool. As I pump the winter water off the cover, I'm now filling my pool with clean water. In this way, we are saving that amount of water that we used to pay for from the water board. When I "top off" my pool, after opening it, I attach the same Filler Bag to my garden hose to insure that our fill water is crystal clear, as our water supply tends to have a lot of suspended particles in it.
Once the pool is open, I vacuum the entire pool, as I do once a week, with a Polishing Filter Slime Bag attached to both return line outlets. By doing this, I am guaranteed that any debris that gets past my Hayward S-200 sand filter is captured, before it can get back into the pool. From time to time throughout the season, our pool can get dirtier than usual. I found that, when that happens, I have to detach the Slime Bags in midvacuuming to take to the yard and rinse. I put them back on and go right back to cleaning. I have a pair of bags that I used and rinsed repeatedly last season and I'm sure I'll use them for many cleanings this year, too.
When I Backwash my sand filter, I attach my Slime Bag Vacuum/X-tra Polishing Bag to the end of my waste hose and drop it into the pool. After a brief moment of "pool dust" blow through, my Vacuum/X-tra Polishing Bag collects all the debris from the sand filter and eliminates the need to "pump down" my pool, in order to clean out the filter. I am amazed at how efficient the Vacuum/X-tra Polishing Bag is and how much water and chemicals it has saved me over the past two seasons!!!
So, thank you, Dave, for my Slime Bags....finally a pool cleaning product that actually works!!!
Fred Loomis
13 Roricks Glen Parkway
Elmira, NY 14905
Wow! Who would have guessed that such a seemingly simple device as the "Slime Bag" would almost instantly clarify the water in our 20' x 40' in-ground pool. From the moment we put the large "Slime Bag" in our sand-filtered discharge, the water clarity of the pool was improved visibly. This change was particularly visible at night when we were swimming only using the pool light. I could be at one end of the pool looking towards the light and see virtually no particulate matter suspended in the water. Many visitors to our home wondered how I was able to keep the pool water so clean. If I had a kiosk next to the pool to sell "Slime Bags," I could have sold man, many filters this summer!
When I first used the "Slime Bag," I was skeptical that it would actually reduce my dependence on Chlorine. However, as the clarity of the water improved, my dependence on Chlorine lessened. The Slime Bag really did what you said it would do.
One of the most amazing things I noticed about your product is the small "Slime Bag" that I put on the hose used to "top off" the pool water evaporated over the course of the summer. The "Slime Bah" actually turned dark in color as a result of the particulate matter that it removed from the city water supply. I hate to think of what our family has ingested over the years given what the "Slime Bag" captured from the tap water.
I wish you the best of fortunes with this effective product. It is nice to actually experience fulfilled promises of a new product.
David White
Sheffer, Murphy & White
Thank you, for the suggestion of using "Slime Bags" for our contaminated aqueous waste. Filtering through the "Slime Bag" resulted in the fastest, cleanest, and most economical way to clean and discharge the solutions.
Liquid waste was collected in 250 gallon totes. Analytical results identified that the soluble and insoluble contaminates could be filtered out by using a 1 micron filter. The filtered liquid would then meet with local sanitary sewer discharge approval limit.;.
Standard procedure to filter the solution would require pumping through a 25 micron filter or higher, contained in a housing, into a tank. From the tank we would then pump through a 1 micron filter, contained in another housing, into the sanitary sewer. Costly and time consuming process.
Thanks to your "Slime Bag" which is a I micron filter with large surface area, we were able to filter the solution in one step. This saved us well over $1000 in labor and material.
Another process required similar filtration of liquids contained in 55 gallon drums from a decontamination process. Once again standard procedure would have been costly. Using the "Slime Bag", once again we cut disposal costs by $1000 easily.
I apologize that 1 could not give you specific details of contamination but from my 20 years experience ?n waste water treatment, the "Slime Bag" is the best simplified most economical, filtration system I have seen in a long time.
Yours truly,
Gediminas (Jim) Jakubonis
Xerox Coporation
The Blockade Runner Beach Resort and Conference Center has been using the Slime Bags for over eight months and has been very pleased with its performance and durability. I have been a Certified Pool Operator for over 8 years and have not seen a product like this.
Before we got the Slime Bag we were just vacuuming the pool the old fashioned way. Once we added the Slime Bag to our vacuum hose we knew that we had found something useful and effective. After a few vacuuming sessions with the Slime Bag we noticed that our pool was looking cleaner due to the Slime Bag trapping all the fine particles that our sand filter was missing. We also had less work readjusting our pool chemicals while using the Slime Bag because we were no longer throwing good water down the drain. We were just refiltering the water back into our pool through the Slime Bag.
Our Resort and Conference Center is located on Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina and our guests are always going back and forth from the beach to the pool, so you can only imagine how much sand and debris is in our pool by the end of the day. During our peak seasons we are vacuuming our pool once per day and we were wasting at least 700 gallons per day without the use of the Slime Bag. Since we have been using the Slime Bag not only have we saved money by recycling our water through the Slime Bag but we are also helping the environment by eliminating any additional debris or chemicals from our pool being dumped into our local sewage system. So, with the Slime Bags we are not only cutting our costs but we are being environmentally friendly.
We want to thank the creators of the Slime Bags for making a product that has proven to be cost effective and efficient. We will continue using the Slime Bags and can only hope that other facilities with pools will give it a try. I promise anyone who uses the Slime Bag for a week will be able to see the difference in their pool and even feel a difference in their back pockets with all the money they will save in the end.
Many Thanks,
Shayna Anderson
Blockade Runner Manager
(910) 256-2251
I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the opportunity of using the Slime Bag final filter unit this past summer.
Our swimming pool is an above ground all-aluminum unit which has been in operation over twenty years. The pool is sanitized with a Hayward Sand Filer supplemented by diatomaceous earth media for improved overall filtration. The addition of the Slime Bag unit for this equipment has produced superior water clarity and appearance of the pool liner surfaces. The extremely sharp lighting refractions on the pool surfaces provided visual evidence of the water quality.
Overall PH levels are maintained closely in the 7.2-7.6 range. Nominal algaecide additions are performed on a periodic basis. I believe that safe conditions are maintained for this recreational pool.
Based on my experience with the Slime Bag unit over the summer 1999 season, I would recommend this product to any recreational pool owner seeking improved water quality conditions.
I would be happy to discuss the Slime Bag unit with any interested parties.
Respectfully submitted,
Fredric Smeader, Engineer
(716) 645-2388
I am most thankful for the opportunity to have testing your new Slime Bag this past summer. My aboveground pool is 9 years old and has a water volume capacity of 20,000 gallons. Since my home is supplied by village wellwater, I normally arrange for one of the area milk haulers to deliver a load of city water from nearby Batavia, NY.
I refill my pool at the beginning of each swimming season to replace the water ‘lost’ closing down the pool for the winter season along with water losses due to the Buffalo, NY snow loads on the pool cover each winter. This year I filled my pool from my village wellwater using the Filler’up Slime Bag as the primary filtration.
I was amazed at all the dirt and iron particulate that were caught in the Slime Bag. Without your filtration, this addition of our wellwater would have turned my pool the color of a strong cup of tea and taken three days for the poolfilter and chemical clarifier to cleanup the turbid appearance. Instead, my pool filled crystal clear and remained so during the entire summer. Best of all, I saved $800 because there was no need to coordinate a "city-water delivery" with our local milk hauling tanker truck.
The second use of the Slime Bag was the Vacuum/X-tra Polishing bag. As a test, I by-passed my diatomaceous earth filter and went directly through the Slime Bag. I was again surprised at the amount of dirt and fine particles trapped directly by the Slime Bag. Next year, I plan to include the Slime Bag into a new filtration scenario incorporating an additional discharge through the pool sidewall. The use of the Slime Bag replaces the use of chemical clairfiers to obtain sparkling pool water.
Also, this past season I added an Ultraviolet unit to replace the chlorine chemical biocide. I installed this UV unit in early August 1999 and ran for 6 weeks. During this period, I added NO chlorine!! My bacteria counts after 3 weeks of operation were 0 cfu/100ml; and no algae growth!! Next year I look forward to a "chemical free" treatment program utilizing your Slime Bag as filtration and Ultraviolet as the primary and chemical free biocide.
The benefits of the aforementioned treatment program are: No more burning eyes, no more dry skin and frizzed hair due to pool water chlorine levels. No more big money spent on replacing expensive women’s swimwear. Women can especially appreciate keeping their favorite suit "looking good" the entire swim season!
In summation, I strongly recommend the Slime Bag products for conservation of water, reduction of chemical additives, contribution to environmental responsibility and above all a clear sparkling pool. Please feel free to call should you wish to discuss any questions.
Deborah Deer
Operating Engineer
Xerox Corporation
(716) 265-8856
16 Maple Avenue
Oakfield, New York 14125
This letter is to advise you of the success I had while testing your new Slime Bag Filter.
During the summer I opened my pool using a sand filter and the Slime Bag as a polishing filter. I was amazed at the amount of dirt that my sand filter missed and was filtered by the Slime Bag. Also I had a leak from my filter. Normally, all that sand would have gone right back into my pool. Fortunately, the Slime Bag caught every grain!
I used the vacuuming bag several times this summer. My pool was crystal clear and I saved hundreds of gallons of water that would have normally been dumped.
I would strongly recommend this new product to anyone with a pool. If you would like to discuss my experience, please feel free to call me at (315) 331-9100
Ted Turetsky
J.T. Manager
With spring right around the corner I am reminded to place another order for your very effective Slime Bags. As you know last year I was involved in the testing of this product and found its ease of use and huge cost savings to be something every pool owner/operator should be aware of. Please feel free to post this letter wherever you see fit.
Our pool is a 27' round above ground that had been in operation for five years using Baquacil as the sanitizing and algaecide agent. If you remember at first I was hesitant to try this product because the last thing a pool owner wants is another task or cost added to their pool maintenance. The following comments should convince every pool owner that this product is a winner in every way.
The annual operating cost of this pool prior to using the Slime Bag was over $650, last year using the Slime Bag it was under $200, including the cost of the bags. The savings are mostly derived from the drastic lowering of chemical usage, when you Backwash the water thru the bag and back to the pool you never have to replenish the chemical needed to sanitize the 200 or 300 gallons of water you would normally dump. This also kept the pool at temp since you're not replenishing with cold water, and then there's the cost of the water itself. I was able to Backwash 2 or 3 times with one bag with no problems. For ease of use it does not get any easier, attach your vacuum hose to the filter, tiewrap the Slime Bag to the hose and drop it in the pool, I like the fact that you really didn't need any special fittings etc.
In our conversations we have talked about all the other potential ways this product can be used, its versatility is tremendous. Your web site explains better than I can all the possibilities and I would recommend everyone to check it out. You have a great product here and I wish you all the best for continued success.
Tom Blaesi
To the people at CleanerPools.net
I bought a 15' Intex Quickset pool for my faily last summer. The pool came with everything I needed. It came with a skimmer, vacuum attachment, cover, ground drop cloth and an electric filter with 2 cartridges. After a couple of times cleaning these cartridge filters I said to myself, "this sucks and is really not getting my pool clean." I kept adding chemicals and draining out some of the water just to keep up with the yellowness and cloudiness of the water. This has proven too expensive as well as not safe for family swimming.
I came across your product, the SlimeBag at my local pool store and bought one. What a difference you have made in my life.
I attached your filter to the return line on the filter and flopped it over the edge. I even removed the cartridge that came with the pool. Not only has it filtered the pool water and made it sparkle, but I am using a ton less chemicals because it stays clean.
Even if there is a lot of use, I just hook the filter and a few hours later it is crystal clear. I have since retrofitted about 3 feet of white accordion pool tubing and attached a piece of 1" white PVC tubing to just slip into the basket strainer on the inside of the pool. Life is grand. Thank you for saving me time and money and making my life easier.
Dave Revin
77 French Lea Drive
West Seneca, NY 14224
To Whom It May Concern:
As pool owners for the past 3 years, we have used many different combinations of chemicals in an attempt to keep our pool in a decent state. Out pool is an in-ground, concrete, saltwater pool with a cartridge filter and a pebblecrete surface finish. We have a lot of tree debris fall into the pool and as our pool is not in direct view from much of our home, quite often we neglect daily inspections. Our pool may run wild for a week, sometimes longer during wet spells. Then the weekend hits us and our two children invite their friends over for a swim, only to discover what can best be described as a swamp!! The constant maintenance, time and cost of trying to keep our pol clean and clear of that dreaded green had been mind-blowing to say the least. Our local pool shops are only too quick to try and sell us some sort of new chemical "fast fix."
The slime bag was introduced to us as a chemical free alternative to keep our pool clean and clear all year round. We spent a little time cleaning the cartridge filter, salt cell and vacuumed the pool. The SlimeBag fit right into our water return outlet in the pool. We turned the system on again and within10 minute could see that the SlimeBag was changing colour! As explained to us, this discolouration was the minute particles of dirt and algae which the cartridge filter had missed and otherwise would have gone strait back into our pool. We had to wash the SlimBag out quite a few time along with the cartridge filter. We were amazed at how easy the SlimeBag was to clean, and how much goop actually came out during cleaning. Using the SlimeBag in our dirty green pool only too 2 days to transform it back to a respectable clear blue colour without having to add any chemicals at all, and crystal-clear in 3 days.
We would recommend the bag to anyone who had a pool and especially to those who do "maintenance" themselves. We didn't spend a fortune and our kids aren't complaining of sore eyes.
Scott & Andrea Macintosh
Everton Hills
Queensland, Australia